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Exploring Stolen Data Markets Online: Products and Market Forces

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice Studies Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2010 Pages: 33-50
Thomas J. Holt; Eric Lampke
Date Published
March 2010
18 pages
This study explored the market for stolen data online using a qualitative analysis.
The threat of hackers and data thieves has increased, though few have considered the ways they dispose of the information obtained through computer attacks. This exploratory study examines the nature of the market for stolen data using a qualitative analysis of 300 threads from 6 Web forums run by and for data thieves. The results suggest that all manner of personal and financial data can be obtained through these markets at a fraction of their true value. In addition, there are distinct relationships between buyers and sellers that shape the relationships and structure of these markets. Policy implications for law enforcement intervention are also discussed. Tables, notes, and references (Published Abstract)