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Exploring Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse - A Systems Approach (From Dark Side of Families, 1983, P 102-116, David Finkelhor, et al, ed. - See NCJ-92004)

NCJ Number
K J Tierney; D L Corwin
Date Published
15 pages
This paper presents a model for explaining intrafamilial child sexual abuse, using concepts at the socioecological, structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels.
The discussion of factors contributing to sexual abuse of children in the family is based on a review of the literature and data and clinical impressions obtained by the staff of the Family Support Program at the University of California, Los Angeles. In this study, intrafamilial child sexual abuse is defined as contact between a child and an adult member of the same household, where sexual stimulation of the adult initiator or another person is the objective. The research plan outlined in this study is designed to overcome the problems that handicapped earlier work on child molestation. The approach assesses the effects of a small number of selected variables by obtaining data on families in which child sexual abuse has occurred and on two matched control groups -- a set of nonincestuous families and a group of families with children in treatment for reasons other than sexual molestation. Rather than viewing intrafamilial child sexual abuse as originating solely from adjustment problems of the perpetrator or family disorganization or victim characteristics, incest is viewed as behavior influenced by factors at several different levels acting in combination or cumulatively. The variables used in the explanatory model are in the broad categories of socioecological or family climate factors; aspects of family structure; predisposing factors in the perpetrator, victim, and spouse; and precipitating or situational factors. The variables in each of these categories are described in detail, and suggestions for future research are offered. Forty-two references and six notes are provided.


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