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Explorations of Parole Policy

NCJ Number
D C Daiger
Date Published
114 pages
Due to the controversy over the institution of parole and recent changes in the criminal justice and penal system of Maryland, statistical models mirroring current parole practice were developed. These are described in this document in an effort to stimulate discussion leading to an explicit and equitable parole policy.
Such variables as offense seriousness, institution of confinement, occupational standing, and predictions of future behavior are found to be a part of implicit parole policy. A variety of alternative statistical descriptions of current parole practice are presented. Research on implicit parole policy is reviewed and some speculations about desirable features of an eventual parole policy are offered. Suggestions are made about policy formation and implementation. The role of monitoring the criminal justice and penal system to evaluate the consequences of any policy is emphasized. The formulation of policy is viewed as a continuing evolutionary process in which explicit statements of policy are followed by careful implementation, monitoring, review and revision. Numerous charts and tables describe the parole system and choices in terms of inmate characteristics and behaviors. (Resources in Education (ERIC) abstract)


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