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Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System - 1977

NCJ Number
Date Published
34 pages
The variable description list and codebook are provided for the 1977 data on criminal justice employment and expenditures for all the States, counties, and certain municipal governments.
An introduction describes the study and discusses data collection procedures, sampling, information processing, weighting information, file structure, and codebook information. Variables include full-time and part-time employees and payroll; expenditures for current operations, capital outlay, and contributions to employee benefits; and intergovernmental expenditures paid to State and local governments. Figures cover the following sectors of the criminal justice system: police protection; judicial, legal services, and prosecution; public defense; corrections; and other criminal justice services. Field compilation and mailed questionnaires were used to collect the data, available in two formats: a card-image file and an OSIRIS data set. A glossary is also provided.