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Executive Office for Weed and Seed Site Accreditation; Participant's Guide, Session I

NCJ Number
Date Published
129 pages
This is the participants' guide for 12 training modules intended to help each Weed and Seed site to understand and use strategy-based implementation techniques.
The material for each module describes its purpose and learning objectives, summarizes instructional content, and provides learning exercises. The purpose of the first module is to inform participants of the concept of Operation Weed and Seed, its key components, and fundamental principles that should be followed. The second module explains the Weed and Seed funding process, with attention to the importance of a multi-year approach. Module 3 explores options for choosing a structure for the Weed and Seed Steering Committee; and module 4 explains how to operate a Weed and Seed Steering Committee and examines the local strategy's approach for components that may be helpful in implementation. The fifth module examines the neighborhood selection process and how it is used in a Weed and Seed initiative; the neighborhood assessment and resources from the Official Recognition strategy are also explored. Module 6 explains how evaluation can assist sites in refining and improving Weed and Seed processes and program activities; and module 7 prepares participants to understand key components of the planning process, methods for developing local planning strategies, and fundamental principles of effective local planning. Remaining modules focus on process implementation, community mobilization, reporting requirements, resource development and leveraging, and sustainability. Appended bylaws, tips for decision makers, a reading list, and a self-pretest on community mobilization