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Examination of the System for Empirically Evaluating Recidivism Within the New Jersey Department of Corrections

NCJ Number
J A Belton
Date Published
72 pages
This paper reports on a comprehensive study and review of recent literature on recidivism and identifies the need for a uniform system of collecting basic information for the study of recidivism of those persons confined to State correctional facilities on a national basis and, specifically in New Jersey.
A national survey of State correctional information systems in the United States was conducted using an eight-item questionnaire, which was mailed on October 15, 1975. The questionnaire was designed to gather information on how the departments of corrections in the 50 States currently gather, record, and tabulate information on recidivism rates in their various institutions. The expectation of being able to find an empirically effective system or systems and to select that system, or combination of systems, for all States as a model was not realized from the limited data received from the survey. On the basis of the study, the report concludes that comprehensive recidivism data do not exist in one place in New Jersey, or any other State, that can be suitably applied nationwide despite the fact that various levels of recidivism data systems exist. The necessary technical expertise appears to exist for adequately compiling these data, but correctional departments do not agree on the need for such a collection. The report concludes that universal definitions and comprehensive standards are sorely needed for collecting data related to recidivism. Tables, the study instrument, and about 80 references are provided. (Author summary modified)


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