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Examination of Release Decisions for Sexual Offenders: Do Biases Exist?

NCJ Number
Forum on Corrections Research Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Dated: January 2002 Pages: 38-40
Sara L. Johnson
Date Published
3 pages
This study examined the differences between sexual and (non-sexual) violent offenders on release decisions and recidivism following release.
This study examined the differences between sexual and (non-sexual) violent offenders on release decisions and recidivism following release in 1991. Two sets of outcome measures were used, first release type and types of recidivism. Three types of recidivism were measured, sexual, violent non-sexual, and violent recidivism. It was found that the 1,417 sexual offenders and 1,777 (non-sexual) violent offenders differed greatly in the area of release type, with sexual offenders being released at warrant expiry and violent offenders being released by discretionary or statutory release. Comparison of overall violent recidivism of the two groups showed that violent offenders had a higher rate of violent recidivism than the sexual offenders, and a lower rate of sexual recidivism than sexual offenders following release. It was concluded that decision makers are relying upon information unrelated to future risk of recidivism when deciding upon release. 1 Table, 1 figure, 14 notes