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Evidence Collection and Analysis for Touch Deoxyribonucleic Acid in Groping and Sexual Assault Cases

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Nursing Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Dated: April-June 2021 Pages: 67-75
J. L. Valentine; P. Presler-Jur; H. Mills; S. Miles
Date Published
9 pages

Following a literature review on factors affecting touch DNA transfer, this article reports a groping case study with innovative evidence collection to support the expansion of touch DNA evidence collection in sexual assault cases.


Historically, evidence collection in sexual assault cases has focused on obtaining foreign contributor body fluids through swab collection; however. with improvements in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis methods, DNA profiles can be developed from touch DNA and applied to sexual assault cases. The groping case examined in the current article led to the development of a statewide sexual assault touch DNA form to guide evidence collection. DNA findings from additional groping sexual assault cases are reported to further show and justify the importance of evidence collection in groping cases. Implications on multidisciplinary practices are summarized to promote evidence collection and analysis in groping sexual assault cases. As forensic nurses are educated to accurately collect DNA evidence and provide trauma-informed, patient-centered care, they are best suited to provide nursing care for patients who have experienced groping sexual assaults. Optimal DNA findings in groping and sexual assault cases are best achieved through development of strong multidisciplinary, collaborative relationships between forensic nurses and forensic scientists. (publisher abstract modified)