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Evaluation Trends Within a Police Force Promotional System

NCJ Number
Canadian Police College Journal Volume: 16 Issue: 2 Dated: (1992) Pages: 87-93
R L Ciupa
Date Published
7 pages
Trends in police performance evaluations were examined using data from 828 evaluation forms for the years 1990 and 1991 from the police department of Niagara, Ontario, Canada.
These evaluations represent the entire population of Niagara police constables who have both qualified for promotion and applied for promotion to sergeant in the specified years. The analysis focused on the ratings by supervisors. Results supported Beam's argument that the universal tendency is to give high ratings. In addition, the immediate supervisors scored candidates higher than did the "constant" evaluators, who did not know the candidates well. Moreover, the findings indicated that different divisions within the regional police force were applying different scales. An intervening variable appeared to be present in Number 33 Division but not in the other divisions. Results suggested the need for further study of the association between the comments on the form and the scores awarded and for the development and assessment of more explicit, objective criteria. 6 references