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Evaluation of Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC) Phase 2 - Site Visit Report - Milwaukee TASC Project (July 13-15, 1977)

NCJ Number
Date Published
105 pages
This report provides the results of the evaluation of the Milwaukee, Wis., Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC) project and is mainly concerned with such operational aspects as identification of potential clients, diagnosis and referral, relationships with drug abuse treatment agencies, and cost analysis.
The evaluation focused on the year from July 1, 1976, through June 30, 1977. During this period, 287 clients were admitted to TASC and the project had 201 active clients at the end of that year. The project site was visited July 13-15, 1977, and was in its 19th month of operation at that time. In addition to pretrial diversion, clients enter TASC through the major referral routes of conditional bail reductions, stipulated TASC probation, voluntary self referrals, and referrals from probation. In all respects, the TASC evaluation team concluded that the Milwaukee TASC project is effective. The diagnosis and referral function receives more emphasis in Milwaukee than at other TASC projects visited. The tracking and monitoring function is also effectively managed. From the standpoint of the criminal justice system, it is clear that TASC in Milwaukee is most useful in effecting diversions, conditional bail reductions, and obtaining probation dispositions. Tables and diagrams are included. Related interview and assessment forms, client criteria for TASC participation, and a description of the Wisconsin Correctional Service are appended. (Author abstract modified)