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Evaluation of the Singapore-Japan Joint Seminar on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (From Report for 1987 and Resource Material Series No. 33, P 118-123, 1988, Hideo Utsuro, ed. -- See NCJ-124255)

NCJ Number
Q S Lei
Date Published
6 pages
The Singapore-Japan Joint Seminar on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders compared the countries' crime prevention and control strategies, ways to improve criminal justice administration, differential treatment based on the classification system, the institutional treatment of offenders, and community-based treatment.
Some of the ways in which Singapore has emulated Japanese enforcement methods were discussed, including the police box system and communications system, good police-public relations, and strict enforcement of gun control and drug laws. Also discussed were custodial and rehabilitation through work therapy, education, recreation, and social or religious counseling. A steering committee representing the countries in the joint seminar developed a structure of law designed to integrate every level of function of all segments of the criminal justice system. Twenty-two recommendations culminated the proceedings. Among the recommendations were those pertaining to police-community crime prevention efforts, fair and speedy criminal proceedings, a work release scheme, a prerelease employment scheme, and community participation in offender rehabilitation.