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Evaluation of Seven X-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeat Loci Located Within the Xq26 Region

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Genetics Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Dated: April 2010 Pages: 194-199
Heike Rodig; Frank Kloep; Lydia Weissbach; Christa Augustin; Jeannett Edelmann; Sandra Hering; Reinhard Szibor; Frank Gotz; Werner Brabetz
Date Published
April 2010
6 pages

In this study a set of 29 X-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) located within the Xq26 region was evaluated.


These STRs were found within the 133.14-133.45Mb region around the HPRTB locus. Evaluation of the microsatellites was performed with regard to polymorphism, reliable amplification, and low stutter artefacts. DXS10101, DXS10102, and DXS10103 were identified as those X-STRs with highest diversity; i.e. PIC values of 0.7174-0.8933. The locus DXS10101 was the optimal candidate for the integration in the commercial available test system Mentype Argus X-8 PCR amplification kit. Tables, appendixes, and references (Published Abstract)