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Evaluation of a Secondary School Primary Prevention Program on Violence in Intimate Relationships

NCJ Number
Violence and Victims Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1992) Pages: 129-146
P G Jaffe; M Sudermann; D Reitzel; S M Killip
Date Published
18 pages
A comprehensive secondary school system primary prevention program for wife assault and dating violence was undertaken in London, Ontario (Canada).
The purpose was to reach all students, teachers, and administrators in the system; increase knowledge about violence against women; address underlying attitudes which permit violence against women; promote recognition of early warning signs of abusive patterns in relationships; expanding definitions to include verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse; provide knowledge of community service agencies; and develop a school system-wide commitment to violence prevention. This study, conducted in four London high schools, assessed students' knowledge of and attitudes toward domestic violence and evaluated the impact of the intervention through a large group presentation followed by classroom discussions facilitated by community professionals. The findings showed significant positive attitude, knowledge, and behavioral intention changes following the intervention; most of these changes were maintained at a 6-week follow-up session. Females consistently showed better attitudes than males; the researchers also found a backlash effect among a small number of male students. The students reported a high degree of awareness of and experience with violence in their own and their friends' relationships and supported the continuation of school primary prevention programs. 6 tables and 31 references