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Evaluation Plan: 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
145 pages
This National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Evaluation Plan: 1991, a companion document to NIJ's Research Plan: 1991, presents announcements and application procedures for grants that will fund evaluation research for specified types of antidrug programs throughout the Nation.
The antidrug programs to be evaluated are in the broad areas of community-based policing, community-based drug prevention programs, the prosecution and adjudication of drug cases, drug testing, corrections and intermediate sanctions for drug offenders, and systemwide antidrug programs. The format for each grant announcement specifies purpose, background, goals, objectives, and program strategy. The latter encompasses application requirements, additional products, eligibility requirements, monitoring, selection criteria, award period, award amount, and due date. The type of evaluation to be conducted is specified for each grant announcement. The types of evaluations are program assessments (determination of the salient features of a program); impact evaluation (the program's impact on crime); intensive impact evaluation (determination of why a program is effective); and evaluation review (determination of previous evaluations and the nature of future directions). Application procedures, requirements for award recipients, and application forms are included.