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Evaluation of P A (Public Act) 416 - Secondary Road Patrol Program

NCJ Number
Date Published
77 pages
Evaluation results show the cost-effectiveness of Michigan's secondary road patrol program -- a State grant program for providing road patrol and reducing accidents on the county primary and local roads outside the corporate limits of villages and cities.
Prior to the secondary road patrol program, only basic services -- taking of crime and accident reports -- could be provided on secondary roads. In the first year of the grant program, 78 counties participated. The evaluation, which covers the first calendar years of the program (1979-80), used statewide data when available; otherwise, it used a sample consisting of data for 13 randomly selected counties. The secondary road patrol deputies out-produced the regular road patrol in the number of citations per officer, accidents investigated, crime reports taken, and criminal arrests. In addition to road patrol, counties have implemented other accident prevention programs with secondary road patrol funds. Sheriffs reported that the number of citizen calls increased following the presence of secondary road patrol. There is no evidence at this time that the secondary road patrol has had any impact on accidents or crime. Although secondary road accidents decreased between 1978 and 1980, the reduction appears to be part of a general trend. Overall, data indicate the program is cost-effective. The current funding formula does not support the intent of the enabling act. This could handicap sheriffs in their efforts to reduce secondary road accidents. Tabular and graphic data are provided. (Author summary modified)