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Evaluation of the Minneapolis Community Crime Prevention Demonstration

NCJ Number
M Rasmussen; W Muggli; C M Crabill
Date Published
260 pages
An evaluation of a demonstration program on community crime prevention implemented in three Minneapolis neighborhoods in 1976 and 1977 focused on the extent of neighborhood organizing activities, the direct and indirect activities to reduce crime, project management, and the project's impacts on both crime and fear of crime.
The evaluation focused on both the process and the impact of the project's operation. Data sources included project records and surveys of about 400 randomly selected residents in 1976 and 1978. In addition, crime records from January 1977 through May 1978 in the demonstration areas and in control areas were compared with baseline data from July 1974 through May 1975. Success in organizing blocks varied widely among the three neighborhoods. Residents perceived Neighborhood Watch to be the most important part of the crime prevention program. Relatively few home security surveys were conducted, but they did result in residents' taking additional security measures. Professionally produced educational materials and police officer attendance at block club meetings were additional positive aspects of the program. Inefficiencies hampered the project's beginnings. The program's impacts on crime and fear of crime were unclear but some effects in the desired direction were observed. Recommendations, data tables, appended tables, and 29 references.


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