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Evaluation of the Milwaukee Community Corrections Residential Centers

NCJ Number
Date Published
126 pages
This evaluation analyzes the operations and outcomes of Wisconsin's community residential center program, which prepares offenders for release through work experience, educational opportunities, counseling, and other programming.
All offenders released from the five Milwaukee community residential centers to field supervision between January 1 and June 30, 1980, (124) were monitored for 1 year to assess their parole success. Their outcomes were compared with those released from the Bureau of Adult Institutions (BAI). Eighty-three percent of the center releasees and 82 percent of the BAI releasees had a successful parole outcome at the end of the 1 year. Those released from the centers, however, had significantly lower employment needs, financial management needs, and overall parole supervision needs than those released from the BAI facilities. The centers were more effective at placing offenders on work release than were the BAI facilities, and more of the center offenders completed the work release placement. The BAI facilities made more use of educational and vocational programs than did the centers. Appended study data, parole outcome definitions, a client needs assessment form, and the rules of probation and parole.