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Evaluation of Law-Related Education Programs, Phase II

NCJ Number
Date Published
775 pages
This Phase II report of the Law-Related Education Evaluation Project (LREEP) is organized into four main sections: methods, general findings by research question, case studies of individual projects, and general recommendations.
A description of the methods used in the Phase II evaluation effort also discusses the various data sources used -- structured interviews, mailed survey questionnaires, classroom youth assessment instruments, structured classroom observations, evaluation questionnaires, unstructured field data, project records, and site data. Also described are data handling and processing. The second section reports general findings by research question, with the unit of analysis being either the site or the respondent, depending on the variable under consideration. Also analyzed are classroom observations done at the impact sites. The third section uses the project as the principal unit of analysis. It examines each of the six projects' Phase II efforts in detail. Appendixes to the case studies for the three curriculum projects present observational data from the impact sites. The final section summarizes key recommendations implied by the findings previously discussed. The recommendations are divided according to the typical stages in the history of law-related education at a site -awareness, adoption, implementation, and institutionalization. Appendixes provide copies of the LREEP instrumentation and a followup analysis of the LRE Leadership Training Conference held in February 1981. (Author summary modified)