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Evaluation of the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Drug Treatment Programs (From Drug Abuse Treatment in Prisons and Jails, P 261-278, 1992, Carl G Leukefeld and Frank M Tims, eds. -- See NCJ-138622)

NCJ Number
B Pelissier; D McCarthy
Date Published
18 pages
This paper summarizes the research design to be implemented in the evaluation of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) drug treatment programs and highlights those elements that address issues specific to the study of drug treatment programs in prison populations as well as knowledge gaps that currently exist.
Each year approximately one-third of BOP's institutions will be selected as part of the evaluation effort, so that over a 3-year period all institutions will have been sampled. One thousand randomly selected inmates newly admitted to these institutions will be interviewed each year. The interview format will address drug use, employment, treatment history, criminal history, and family and other individual background characteristics. The research design will involve a regional multisite assessment of residential treatment programs, with the use of four comparison groups , including a random assignment component. Two 1-year cohorts of these four comparison groups will be included in this study which will use a continuous-time analysis of event histories. Measures used will be multidimensional, both behavioral and cognitive, and will incorporate perceptions of program staff and research subjects as well as observations by research staff. The effect of the programs on postrelease drug use, criminal behavior, occupational and social functioning, and mental and physical health will be assessed during a 5-year follow- up period. 82 references