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Evaluation of the Cosmetology Training Program at Taycheedah Correctional Institution

NCJ Number
N Troia
Date Published
101 pages
The cosmetology training program at Taycheedah Correctional Institution (TCI) in Wisconsin should be discontinued or modified in several ways.
An evaluation of the program gathered data through surveys of 11 women currently in this vocational training program and 29 women who took part in the program between 1980 and 1984. Few of the former students obtained job experience during their stay at TCI. Five have cosmetology job experience in the community, and 11 have worked in other jobs. Thirteen program graduates took the State licensing exam, and 9 received their licenses. Two nongraduates continued their education after release and received licenses. Most former students felt that the program prepared them well for the State exam. Current students believe that the program will improve their employability, and all plan to take the State exam. The program costs more per student than similar programs at public or private institutions elsewhere. In addition, the supply of new cosmetologists is exceeding the projected demand. Moreover, starting salaries are low. If the Division of Corrections ends the program, it should make alternative vocational training available. If the program continues, it needs to include opportunities for job experience prior to release. Footnotes, tables, and survey instruments.


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