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Evaluation of AIDS Prevention and Education Programs

NCJ Number
Evaluation and Program Planning Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Dated: special issue (1990) Pages: 1-107
K L Kaemingk, L Sechrest
Date Published
110 pages
This special issue focuses on the relationship between scientific research on AIDS prevention and its findings to policy development.
It discusses the quality of AIDS research and its influence on policy decision, the role of perceived self-efficacy in the control of AIDS related high risk behaviors, the response bias in assessing sexual behaviors relevant to HIV transmission, and the organizational response to AIDS. Also covered are the development and application of Statewide AIDS information systems in health services planning and evaluation and behavior change strategies for increasing condom use. Several conceptual, measurement, and analysis recommendations are offered for the evaluation of the outcome and implementation of AIDS prevention programs. A 7-step model is presented for preventive AIDS education targeted at three high risk groups: intravenous drug users, minorities, and adolescents. Together with the emotional and political overtones, an overview of conceptual and methodological issues related to HIV/AIDS prevention programs is presented. It concludes with an analysis of conceptual and strategic foundations necessary for implementing effective media campaigns for HIV prevention. Numerous tables and references