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Evaluation of the 90-Day Period of Revocation for Violation of Postrelease Supervision Conditions, Executive Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
This study was undertaken to determine whether the provisions of the Kansas Sentencing Guidelines Act pertaining to the period of postrelease supervision and the 90-day incarceration period upon revocation should be amended.
Data were based on quantitative analyses of offender data contained in the State Department of Corrections Management Information System and a qualitative assessment of the attitudes and perceptions of departmental staff and offenders. All persons released from prison in Kansas to serve a period of post- incarceration supervision are required to abide by certain conditions pertaining to reporting and travel, laws, weapons, personal conduct, narcotics and alcohol, association, employment, counseling, and costs. When a group of offenders released under these provisions was compared to two parole groups, the findings showed that the release group was slightly younger at time of the first release, contained proportionately fewer nonwhites, and contained proportionately fewer offenders with person crimes. The correctional staff personnel interviewed for the study did perceive those offenders returned to prison from post-incarceration supervision status to pose more of a management problem then offenders incarcerated before the passage of the current sentencing guidelines.