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Evaluating Victim Services

NCJ Number
S E Salasin
Date Published
164 pages
This book addresses issues in the development and evaluation of policies and practices in the mental health and human services fields related to the treatment of victims of personal violence, and highlights the areas in need of further research and development.
'Victims of personal violence' include individuals subjected to a sudden, unanticipated assault on their person (physical, emotional, and material) for which they have no ready recourse. The field of service provision is still plagued by seriously incomplete knowledge and little evaluation to draw upon, resulting in poorly defined objectives and misguided service attempts. Initial articles in the volume assess the need for services to victims, the establishment of a knowledge transfer network among professional workers in the field, and the problems and issues demanding evaluative documentation. Other articles discuss agency incentives, crisis intervention as a technique to meet victims' emotional needs, and strategies for integrating a variety of services for victimized individuals. The final papers evaluate the attitudes of policymaking authorities at both the State and national levels with regard to improved victim programming and the pivotal role that evaluators will play in achieving the kinds of programs meeting the needs of victimized persons. Tabular data, notes, and bibliographies are provided with individual articles. For related articles, see NCJ 85716-22.