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Evaluating How Well Your Classification System Is Operating - A Practical Approach

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 32 Issue: 3 Dated: (July 1986) Pages: 302-322
J Austin
Date Published
21 pages
This article applies the lessons of one State (California) to propose a methodology for evaluating how well designed a particular model of objective prison classification is and if implementation is occurring as intended.
With the wide application by many States of objective prison classification systems, there has been an associated expectation among prison officials that these new systems would foster improved prison operations and reductions in prison violence. However, this has not always been the case. Failure to realize these expectations can be more accurately traced to improperly designed or implemented classification systems rather than the validity of these systems as originally designed. Referred to as 'process evaluation,' the approach outlined in the article is intended to assist prison officials to 'fine tune' their classification systems and establish a method for accurately monitoring the most critical aspects of prison operations. (Author abstract)