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Evaluating Criminal Justice Training Addressing AIDS Policy

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Dated: special issue (January 1991) Pages: 19-35
A T Laszlo; B E Smith
Date Published
17 pages
This paper describes the HIV Policy, Training, and Technical Assistance Project designed to assist State and local criminal justice personnel and service providers in the development of HIV-related policies and guidelines for their respective agencies. It examines the effect of training on participants knowledge and attitudes and on the implementation of these HIV policies.
About 225 policy makers and managers from law enforcement, corrections, probation and parole, victim assistance, pretrial services, and drug and alcohol treatment services were the target population of the project. A model 3-day HIV policy training curriculum, "AIDS: From Policy to Practice," was pilot tested through a series of six national workshops for senior level administrators from the target groups. The 6-month evaluation showed increased knowledge and change in attitudes about HIV policies and illustrated the development, revision, and implementation of policies. A sample HIV policy statement for probation and parole officers and a sample employee policy statement are appended. 4 notes (Author abstract modified)