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Evaluating Child Abuse Prevention Programs

NCJ Number
E Gray; J DiLeonardi
Date Published
67 pages
Child abuse is a community problem, and the community must provide parents and children with support, training, and information to help them cope successfully with their family roles.
Support services directed to different life cycle phases include perinatal support, parental education, early and periodic childhood screening and treatment, programs for abused children, and social skills training for children and young adults. Support services also involve mutual aid programs and neighborhood support groups, family support services, public information on child abuse, community development activities, child abuse prevention training, and ongoing program evaluation and assessment. Program evaluation is especially important, and steps involved in conducting an evaluation are outlined. Components and types of evaluation and the establishment of measurable objectives are discussed. Different evaluation designs are examined including randomized control groups, split-half control groups, nonequivalent control groups, and pretest and posttest. What to measure is also covered in terms of output, outcome, and impact. Procedures to guide the evaluation of programs without identified clients (such as public awareness and media education programs), the evaluation of community-based prevention programs, the analysis of data, and report writing are described. Appendixes contain additional information and associated forms, a glossary, and a list of suggested readings. 16 illustrations


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