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Europeans and Their Views on Child Sex Tourism

NCJ Number
Date Published
July 1998
35 pages
This report presents findings from a public opinion survey of Europeans' views on child sex tourism.
The report presents data in narrative and tabular formats concerning the following issues: (1) where Europeans get their information about child sex tourism; (2) how common Europeans think child sex tourism is; (3) the geographic coverage of child sex tourism; (4) whether child sex tourism is on the increase; (5) the profile of the person indulging in child sex tourism; (6) reasons certain people are driven to child sex tourism; (7) Europeans' moral and legal positions on child sex tourism; (8) other societal problems linked to child sex tourism; (9) Europeans' views of their national legislation regarding child sex tourism; (10) weapons to combat child sex tourism; (11) Europeans' satisfaction with measures being taken to fight child sex tourism; (12) the desirability and/or necessity of involvement by the European Union in the fight against child sex tourism; (13) the effectiveness of awareness and information campaigns in the fight against child sex tourism; (14) Europeans' reactions to someone close being involved in child sex tourism; (15) Europeans' possible reactions upon learning that one of their holiday destinations is a known site of child sex tourism; and (16) numbers of Europeans who have come across child sex tourism in places where they have been on holiday. Figures, tables

Corporate Author
European Cmssn

c/o European Coordination Office, Avenue R. Vandendriessche, 18, B -1150 Brussels Belgium, Belgium

Sale Source
European Cmssn

c/o European Coordination Office, Avenue R. Vandendriessche, 18, B -1150 Brussels Belgium, Belgium

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
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