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Estimation of Population-specific Values of Theta for PowerPlex Y23 Profiles

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Gentetics Volume: 75 Dated: February 2025 Pages: 103175
John S. Buckleton; Taryn O. Hall; Jo-Anne Bright; Michael C. Yung; Jérôme Goudet; Maarten Kruijver; Bruce S. Weir
Date Published
February 2025

This paper discusses the creation of a dataset of almost 98,000 Y-STR profiles from literature at the population, metapopulation, and world levels, and a subset of 31,011 PPY23 profiles; it notes that most haplotypes appear as singletons and that one set of 23 and one set of 16 profiles occur in Delhi and Burkina Faso.


In this paper, the authors report on their examination of 31,011 PPY23 profiles at the population, metapopulation, and world levels. Most haplotypes appear only once but a few have higher counts, including a set of 23 matching profiles in Delhi, India and a set of 16 matching profiles in Burkina Faso with one additional matching American African profile. They estimate 𝐹𝑆𝑇 values to be used as “theta” ) in match probability calculations, following the method the authors used in their earlier survey of autosomal STR data. Match probability estimates using ̂𝐹𝑆𝑇 or the κ method of Brenner for a previously unseen profile are similar but differ for any profile previously seen. (Published Abstract Provided)