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Essentials of Managing Workplace Violence

NCJ Number
Joseph A. Kinney
Date Published
79 pages
This manual provides tools for managing and preventing workplace violence.
The publication attempts to help organizations recognize the clues and conditions that suggest the possibility of violence, understand the elements of a comprehensive violence prevention program, use those components to ensure a safe and secure workplace and assess and manage threats to a successful conclusion, assuring the safety of employees, customers and the public. The manual is presented in eight chapters: (1) Objectives; (2) Workplace Violence -- Definitions (physical attacks, threats, harassment, property crimes), Sources and Organizational Effects; (3) Assessing Your Organization; (4) Characteristics of the Violent Employee; (5) Warning Signs and Risk Factors; (6) Threat Reporting and Preliminary Investigations; (7) Threat Assessment and Management; (8) Critical Factors in Threat Management -- Including Intruder Defenses; and (9) Investigating Serious Incidents of Violence. Tables, appendixes


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