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Equipping for Riot Control

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1993) Pages: 37-39,41-47
L Pilant
Date Published
10 pages
Protests, civil disorders, and riots have changed from those seen 20 or 30 years ago in terms of techniques used by the perpetrators, who can move quickly through an area, often in large convoys; they have easy access to weapons and no qualms about using them.
Police command staff need to focus on several crucial areas in planning their riot control strategies. These include risk analysis, operational planning, command structure, and tactics, which range from the deployment of mobile field forces to the use of riot control formations and psychological techniques. Other areas to be considered are legal ramifications, methods of preventing and predicting civil disorders, and strategies for improving relationships with community groups, leaders, and citizens. In addition to an officer's basic equipment, consisting of baton, body armor, sidearms, and duty helmets, other items -- specialty vests, helmets, shields, gas masks, gloves, barriers, communications equipment, uniforms, restraining equipment, chemical munitions, aircraft, and specialty vehicles -- may prove necessary. Administrators should base their equipment procurement decisions on their department's philosophy, purpose, and operational guidelines.