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Envisioning and Creating Change: Project Social Responsibility

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 42 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 94-98
T Rabak; J Walker
Date Published
5 pages
Project Social Responsibility implemented at McNeil Island Corrections Center in Washington aims to provide an intense and extensive orientation to challenge inmates to apply critical thinking to the belief systems and experiences which led to their incarceration and to help them develop an individualized case management action plan.
The 20-hour course encompasses four core areas considered essential to an offender's personal development: educational achievement, employment opportunity, family relationships, and personal community awareness. The curriculum is flexible and reviewed on a weekly basis. Curriculum content flows from the global concern of authority and responsibility to the specific focus of setting goals in the four core areas. Various media are used to stimulate group discussions. At the end of the week, each inmate meets with his counselor to set achievable goals for the remainder of his incarceration and his transition back to the community. The project is continually evaluating its results with a pre-/post-test that examines attitudes and knowledge of the four core areas. The results indicate that participants experience significant positive change, reflected by increased enrollment in all areas of inmate education, increased interest in parenting and family relationships education, and increased demand for counseling services. In terms of replicating the project, the authors recommend that the program be tailored to meet the needs of a specific population, that ample time be allotted to planning and team building, and that there be sufficient opportunities for follow-up. 2 tables and 7 references (Author abstract modified)


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