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Environmental Design and Neighborhood Context: A Multi-level Analysis of Crime at Apartments in Cincinnati Neighborhoods

NCJ Number
Crime & Delinquency Dated: 2021
Rustu Deryol; Troy Payne
Date Published

This study examined the role of opportunity on crime counts within the multi-contextual opportunity theoretical framework.


Researchers used weighted multilevel regression modeling of site observation data from a Cincinnati-based sample of 1,003 apartments nested within 228 census block groups. Results indicate that only a couple of environmental design features were associated with crime in the expected direction, and some of these associations were neighborhood-context-dependent. The study concludes that the results support the propositions of multi-contextual opportunity theory, suggesting that neighborhood-level factors condition the relationship between micro-level opportunity factors and crime. Since there is a scant literature on this topic, more research is needed to see whether  the findings hold true in other places. (publisher abstract modified)


Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

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