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Enhancing the Measurement of Hate Crime in the NCVS: Developing and Testing Improvements to the Survey Questions

NCJ Number
Lynn Langton; Sarah Cook; Chris Krebs; Yuli Patrick Hsieh; Jerry Timbrook
Date Published
September 2021
188 pages

This report focuses on the testing of the modernized NCVS core survey instrument; modernized aspects include an improvement of the victimization screener and flow and logic of the instrument; the report describes the project methodology, provides key findings, and makes recommendations based on those findings.


This report was produced by RTI International for BJS under award number 2020-85-CX-K017. It describes testing efforts designed to improve the measurement of hate crime in the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) as part of the NCVS Instrument Redesign Research and Development Program. It also describes the methodology and findings from a small-scale quantitative and qualitative online test of new and revised NCVS hate crime questions. The testing was informed by a review and assessment of state and federal hate crime laws compared to the BJS definition, and by analyses of hate crime data and interview narratives derived from the current NCVS hate crime questions.