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Enhancing AIDS Awareness in Los Angeles

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 58 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1991) Pages: 44-47
D F Gates; K E Lady
Date Published
4 pages
This article describes the roles of the Medical Liaison Section (MLS) of the Personnel Division and the Mental Evaluation Unit (MEU) of the Los Angeles Police Department in AIDS education and related issues.
The MLS provides AIDS education classes, prepares the departmental AIDS protocol, and issues AIDS safety kits for officers. MEU focuses on AIDS awareness, particularly for the mentally ill population. It participates in the department's Task Force on AIDS and in the Psychiatric Emergency Coordinating Committee (PECC) which leads the AIDS education effort in Los Angeles County. It also works on AIDS-related legal and health issues faced by law enforcement and other public agency personnel. Under the auspices of the National Institute of Mental Health, MEU prepares AIDS educational material for health professionals. MEU assisted in the development of two modules that addressed psychiatric emergencies involving interactions between mental health professionals, law enforcement officers, and individuals at high risk for violent behavior. MEU also expanded its role in the criminal investigation of suspects who are mentally disordered, in policy development, in legislation enactment regarding the selling of infected blood to plasma banks, and in AIDS testing. Law enforcement managers need to provide AIDS training for their officers and to develop appropriate policies and procedures for AIDS-related situations. 9 references