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Enhanced Drug and Gang Enforcement, 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
111 pages
This report summarizes projects in Arizona receiving funds from the Drug and Gang Enforcement Account during fiscal years 1992 and 1993 and relating to illicit drugs and drug-related gang activity and funded by the Criminal Justice Enhancement Fund.
The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission awarded $9,601,531 from the Drug and Gang Enforcement Account to 45 projects in fiscal year 1992 and $9,522,040 for these projects for fiscal year 1993. More than half the money came from Federal formula grant funds. The funds supported 18 multiagency task forces and other drug apprehension projects, 14 drug prosecution projects, five drug abuse education projects, and four enhanced drug offender detention projects. Direct personnel costs made up 81 percent of the authorized expenditures in fiscal year 1992. During the 51 months from April 1988 through June 1992 the apprehension projects have resulted in the arrest of 11,415 drug offense violators and the seizure of drugs with an estimated street value of more than $1 billion. Each $1,361 expended by the apprehension projects resulted in one drug violator arrest, the removal of illegal drugs valued at $88,990 from possible consumption by drug users, and the deprivation of profits and assets from drug traffickers. In fiscal year 1992 drug prosecutions resulted in the conviction of 8,485 drug offenders, of whom 1,213 received prison sentences. Tables