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Engaging Advocates and Other Victim Service Providers in the Community Management of Sex Offenders

NCJ Number
Kristin Littel
Date Published
March 2000
16 pages

This paper provides information, ideas, and resources that will encourage agencies that manage sex offenders in the community to consider the benefits and feasibility of involving victim advocates and other victim service providers in their work.


The concept and practice of involving advocates and other victim service providers in sex offender management is in its infancy. There are strategies that can promote a more comprehensive victim-centered approach to this work and help overcome obstacles to further develop this concept and practice. These include educating stakeholders about the benefits of this approach and developing partnerships among organizations that work to advance the field of sex offender management, as well as State sexual assault coalitions and other policymaking organizations that address sexual assault victim issues. There should also be national, State, and local discussions about collaboration among supervision officers, treatment providers, advocates, victim service providers, and other stakeholders. Another effective strategy is to encourage sexual assault crisis centers to take a leadership role in advocating for the needs of victims of sex offenders supervised in the community and new victims identified in the process of sex offender management. A list of 18 resources