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Energy Conservation Opportunities - Prince Georges County Detention Center at Upper Marlboro, Maryland

NCJ Number
Date Published
35 pages
This report makes recommendations concerning measures (retrofit options) that can be taken to reduce energy consumption at the Prince Georges County Detention Center in Maryland. Potential cost savings associated with each option are also presented.
Following a description of the center and the energy survey, the report outlines each retrofit option. It calls for the replacement of incandescent shower lights with vandal-proof and vapor-tight fluorescent fixtures. Steam lines should be insulated, return lines condensated, and all outside doors weatherstripped. Replacement of existing fluorescent lamps with high-efficiency lamps is recommended as is the installation of storm windows and the replacement of mercury vapor lamps. A chilled water reset system for the water control system is suggested to gain energy samings, and time clock controls and heat pump should be installed. Other options include installing outdoor temperature reset devices on the heating hot water boilers, installing enthalpy controls and increasing outside air capacity of the air handling units, and replacing incandescent lighting with fluorescent lighting on ceilings and hallways. Diagrams are included.