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NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Dated: (December 1993) Pages: 5-8
S Berglund
Date Published
4 pages
The manager of the Records Section of the Lakewood (Colorado) Police Department relates her experience with employee empowerment.
By 1990, employee dissatisfaction with the shift schedule system manifested in high turnover, particularly among trained staff members with moderate seniority; this negatively affected the section's performance. Realizing that employees are its most valuable resource, the section used employee empowerment principles to come up with a solution. Within reason, employees were allowed to retain their existing schedules or opt for a new 4- or 5-day weekly schedule, and choose days off and starting times. The main objective was to distribute weekend work more equitably. The result was improved morale, which manifested in lower turnover and increased productivity, which amounted to a 90- percent reduction in overtime, no increased use of sick leave, and an annual savings of more than $2,500. Further, because management acknowledged employee needs, employees reciprocated through their cooperation in fulfilling unexpected schedule demands.

