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Empirical discriminative tensor analysis for crime forecasting

NCJ Number
Yang Mu; Wei Ding ; Melissa Morabito; Dacheng Tao
Date Published
12 pages

This paper discusses a new four-order tensor representation for crime data that encodes the longitude, latitude, time, and other relevant incidents. and using the tensor data structure, the authors propose the Empirical Discriminative Tensor Analysis (EDTA) algorithm to obtain sufficient discriminative information while minimizing empirical risk simultaneously.


Police agencies have been collecting an increasing amount of information to better understand patterns in criminal activity. Recently there is a new trend in using the data collected to predict where and when crime will occur. Crime prediction is greatly beneficial because if it is done accurately, police practitioner would be able to allocate resources to the geographic areas most at risk for criminal activity and ultimately make communities safer. Using the tensor data structure, the authors propose the Empirical Discriminative Tensor Analysis (EDTA) algorithm to obtain sufficient discriminative information while minimizing empirical risk simultaneously. They examine the algorithm on the crime data collected in one Northeastern city. EDTA demonstrates promising results compared to other existing methods in real world scenarios. (Published abstract provided)