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Embracing Community Violence Intervention in Boston Communities and Nationwide

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2023

This publication by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) discusses community violence intervention (CVI) in Boston communities and nationwide.


This blog post by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) discusses community violence intervention (CVI) programs in the greater Boston area and around the United States. The post announces awards for a new cohort of CVI organizations in Fiscal Year 2022 and also includes a list and an interactive map of CVIPI grantees around the United States. For decades, communities across the nation have been implementing community violence intervention strategies designed to promote community safety by interrupting patterns of violence in the lives of the highest-risk individuals. Too often, CVI programs have not received steady financial support or formal recognition for the important work that they do. To help fill critical resource gaps, OJP launched the Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) in 2022, which is now supporting local leaders as they scale lifesaving interventions and cement these strategies as essential and enduring components of the public safety infrastructure. This historic federal investment, made possible in part by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, is helping to build out community infrastructure as a complement to the vital role of law enforcement. It reflects a comprehensive approach to public safety that pairs effective and equitable policing with a robust infrastructure of community resources, and it helps bring us together around a shared vision of safe, healthy, and vibrant communities. Investments in CVI are emblematic of OJP’s mission to advance community safety, build community trust and strengthen the community’s role as co-producer of safety and justice.