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Electronic Mugshot Imaging

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 19 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1992) Pages: 20-21,38-39
K A Richert
Date Published
4 pages
In the search for newer and more efficient technologies, many police departments are using recently developed computer software and hardware for their mugshot operations.
Instead of taking photographs of every individual brought into intake, police officers can use automatic retrieval systems to gain access to the most current information available about the individuals. This technology permits connection from a central filing station to a locally based satellite system so that other agencies can retrieve the information directly. The electronic approach includes the opportunity to use individual video frames rather than having limited exposures to choose from. The prints produced by the computerized system are more professional and defensible in court. In California, the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department uses microwave technology to transmit digital images from a remote jail site 70 miles from the central station. Law enforcement officers agree that the greatest benefits to these types of system are in cost and turnaround time.