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Electronic Monitoring Equipment: 1991 Survey

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Monitoring Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Dated: (Summer 1991) Pages: 4-26
J B Vaughn
Date Published
23 pages
A survey was completed by seven manufacturers of equipment used to electronically monitor offenders: BI Incorporated; Corrections Services, Inc.; Cost Effective Monitoring Company; EP Systems; Innovative Security Systems; Mitsubishi Security Systems; and Vorec Corporation.
The information sought in the survey included a company profile, central system equipment, continuously signaling equipment, programmed contact equipment, purchase and lease prices, and other optional equipment. This article outlines information specific to each company followed by a comparison of equipment types. The tables present survey responses regarding central system equipment, software capabilities, home monitor/receiver unit (HMRU), transmitter unit, and drive-by unit. 6 tables