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NCJ Number
Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Dated: (1991) Pages: 73-90
H Ramsey-Klawsnik
Date Published
18 pages
The issue of sexual abuse of the elderly, particularly by persons they are dependent on for care, is examined.
Although researchers have paid little attention to the problem, protective service workers are encountering cases of sexual abuse of the elderly by persons in a caregiving role and are in need of training on the topic. This study focused on 28 elders, residing within the community rather than in institutions, who were sexually abused. A continuum of increasingly violent and traumatic behavior was used to delineate the range and types of behaviors involved. A list of signs and symptoms of possible sexual abuse was also developed. All of the 28 victims were women with major impediments to protecting and caring for themselves such as Alzheimer's disease. The types of abuse they suffered ran along the whole continuum with repeated vaginal rape being the most common. Indicators of abuse included disclosure by the victim, third-party observation of abuse, physical injuries and psycho- social symptoms. In more than half of the cases, multiple indicators were present. All but one of the suspected perpetrators were male. In 81 percent of the cases, the offender was a caregiver usually the victim's husband or son. The findings of the study and the implications for policy are discussed. 2 figures, 3 tables


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