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Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders

NCJ Number
EuroCriminology Volume: 2 Dated: (1988) Pages: 139-176
Date Published
38 pages
This discussion guide was developed as an annotated provisional agenda for the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in 1988.
The following topics were approved for inclusion in the provisional agenda of the Congress: crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development; criminal justice policies in relation to imprisonment, other penal sanctions, and alternative measures; effective national and international actions against organized crime and terrorism; juvenile justice and delinquency prevention; and United Nations norms and guidelines in crime prevention and criminal justice. The discussion guide attempted to focus primarily on agenda items at preparatory meetings, stimulate discussion of major issues, and identify main policy options for action by the Congress. The guide examines criminality, effective crime prevention policies, international drug trafficking control, international cooperation in crime prevention, and criminal justice system management. It also covers criminal justice statistics, sentencing policies, discretionary powers of prosecutors, prison overcrowding, transnational crime, and extradition.