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Eighth International Symposium on Victimology: Adelaide, 21-26 August 1994

NCJ Number
Social Policy in New Zealand Issue: 3 Dated: (December 1994) Pages: 142-146
D A Ballin
Date Published
5 pages
This article summarizes the highlights of the Eighth International Symposium on Victimology, held in Adelaide, Australia, in August 1994.
One keynote speech challenged victimologists to return the discipline to the application of scientific rigor. Another report discussed crime surveys and what they reveal about the experience of international populations. Many social issues related to criminology were examined: the offender as victim, the efficacy of teaching juvenile offenders about the victim's experience, the effects of conviction on the offender's family, difficulties faced by young offenders in terms of social reintegration, and family violence presented from different cultural perspectives. Other participants presented papers on victim compensation, stalking, youth justice, and the victimization experiences of various groups including women, children, and homosexuals. 1 reference