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Egyptian Crime and Crime Control

NCJ Number
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Dated: (Winter 1981) Pages: 153-161
F Morn
Date Published
9 pages
In the last forty years Egypt has experienced mandated dependency to England, an oppressive 'foreign' monarchy, a popular nationalistic military coup, and a quasi socialistic revolution.
With the exception of two crimes, bribery and malversation, crime steadily decreased in that period, according to the Public Security Reports. There are weaknesses in those reports but violent crime, at least, has declined. This paper attempts to analyze these developments through the socio-political changes of the last forty years. Crimes, and the police establishments of the country are described. Crime has been lowered by the shared Moslem ethics and by pride in the modern-day pharaohs, Nasser and Sadat. (Author abstract)


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