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Efficacy of Wilderness Therapy for Young Adults: A First Look

NCJ Number
Residential Treatment for Children and Youth Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Dated: October-December 2013 Pages: 294-305
Matthew J. Hoag, Ph.D.; Katie E. Massey, M.S.W., M.S.P.H.; Sean D. Roberts, M.S., C.M.H.C., N.C.C.; Patrick Logan, M.S.
Date Published
November 2013
12 pages
This pilot study investigated the effectiveness of wilderness therapy for 297 young adult participants.
There has been considerable growth in outcomes research with adolescent clients in wilderness therapy. However, data on young adults are largely absent from the literature. This pilot study investigated the effectiveness of wilderness therapy for 297 young adult participants. The 3-year study found clinically and statistically significant change from intake to discharge on the Outcome Questionnaire-45.2. It also found significant change on measures of life effectiveness, motivation for therapy, therapeutic alliance, and dysfunctional attitudes. This article discusses when change occurs in the wilderness, factors that influence outcomes, differences between genders, and post-discharge outcomes for young adults. Abstract published by arrangement with Taylor and Francis.