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Efficacy of a Serious Sex Offenders Treatment Program for Adolescent Rapists

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1994) Pages: 141-150
M P Hagan; R P King; R L Patros
Date Published
10 pages
This evaluation study examined recidivism rates among a large sample of 50 adolescent rapists incarcerated at a State juvenile correctional facility who had participated in a mandated sex offenders treatment program.
All of the subjects had been convicted of a serious sexual assault and perpetrated crimes of sexual assault against members of the opposite sex, including the use of force. The Stout Cottage Serious Sex Offenders Program (SSOP) was developed with group process as the cornerstone of treatment. Issues related to being a delinquent and a sex offender were addressed using both confrontational and supportive techniques. Residents, many of whom used denial extensively, were exposed to others who were further along in their treatment and who exhibited appropriate behavior. All participants met criteria for having a conduct disorder of the aggressive type. A 2-year follow-up of the subjects showed that 29 were convicted of, or confessed to, other crimes within 2 years of completing the program. Nineteen youths had been placed in an institution, while the remaining 10 were placed on community supervision. Of the 50 youths, five were involved in another sexual assault and another three had committed crimes considered more or equally serious than the sexual assault for which they had been treated. Despite the mixed results, the authors conclude that this program was successful in preventing many of the youths, the majority of whom had extensive criminal histories and were classified as dangerous to the community, from committing another sexual or serious offense. 2 tables and 10 references

Publication Format
Publication Type
Program/Project Evaluation
United States of America
*This document is currently unavailable from NCJRS.