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Efficacy of EMDR in Children: A Meta-Analysis

NCJ Number
Clinical Psychology Review Volume: 29 Issue: 7 Dated: November 2009 Pages: 599-606
Roos Rodenburg; Anja Benjamin; Carlijn de Roos; Ann Marie Meijer; Geert Jan Stams
Date Published
November 2009
8 pages

The goal of this meta-analysis of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in children with PTSD was to examine whether EMDR is efficacious and, also, to compare the efficacy of EMDR to other well-established trauma treatments for children.


The efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in children with post-traumatic stress symptoms was meta-analytically examined from the perspective of incremental efficacy. Overall post-treatment effect size for EMDR was medium and significant (d = .56). Results indicate efficacy of EMDR when effect sizes are based on comparisons between the EMDR and the non-established trauma treatment or the no-treatment control groups, and the incremental efficacy when effect sizes are based on comparisons between the EMDR and the established (CBT) trauma treatment. The discussion focuses on the future replication of EMDR findings and further research on post-traumatic stress in children. Publisher Abstract Provided