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Effects of Variations in Voir Dire Procedures in Capital Murder Trials

NCJ Number
Law and Human Behavior Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Dated: (1982) Pages: 1-13
M T Nietzel; R C Dillehay
Date Published
13 pages
The effects of four types of voir dire on sustained challenges for cause by defense and prosecution attorneys underscore the need for psychologists and social scientists to begin to evaluate the effects of the jury selection methods they employ, particularly preference for attorney questioning and individual sequestered venirepersons.
Using transcripts and notes, researchers classified 13 capital cases, comprising approximately one-third of similar trials in Kentucky for the period 1975-1980, according to whether venirepersons were questioned individually or 'en masse,' and whether sequestration was used for voir dire. Results show significantly more sustained defense challenges for cause under conditions of individual sequestration of venirepersons during voir dire than when voir dire is conducted en masse in open court. Other effects are examined and generalization of the results is discussed. The outcomes are interpreted to show that bias in potential jurors is best revealed when venirepersons are examined while individually sequestered. Tables, footnotes, and 24 references are given. (Author abstract modified)


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